Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Purpose for the Wife (Eph. 5:22-24) by: Francis Jackson

           The purpose God has for women is more significant than a lot of people realize.  There is so much more to your value than just simply cooking and nurturing children.  God does command that women serve their husbands but you are also purposed to help them in other areas as well (Gen. 2:18).  This means that men are not going to be able to accomplish everything alone.  But aside from duties performed, there is an attitude standard being commanded to the Christians in Ephesus.  This was probably a peculiar standard seeing that the chief deity in the city was a woman goddess named Diana (Acts 19:26-28).  Regardless, Christians were charged with God's standards instead of the culture's.  Nonetheless, there was something greater being communicated here than the obvious command of submission.  Paul is painting a picture using marriage to illustrate the relationship between Christ and the church.  This is the mystery stated in verse 32.  Just as the man replicates Christ's love for the church, wives have to replicate the church's submission to Christ. A lot of women place conditions on this role. No matter how your husbands acts, your role is not conditioned upon his disobedience, but rather sheds more light on the valor you possess (1 Pet. 3:1-2).  Sarah will be recognized forever in her respect towards Abraham and has been labeled the mother of all those who share in having that all-out respect for their husbands (1 Pet. 3:6)  Her fearless submission proved favorable to God in that she was protected from sexual impurity by a pharaoh was deceived of her marital status.  Due to her love for God and total submission to her husband, she was handed to the pharaoh in order to spare Abraham who acted in fear (Gen. 12:11-20).  Wives, respect your husbands and keep them high.  Encourage them to lead, comfort them in fear, and be humble enough to follow.

1) Does your submission to your husband replicate how the church is to submit to Christ?

2) Do you comply with your role based on your feelings or based on God's command?

3) Do the company you keep around influence you more towards respecting your husband or rebelling against him?

Lord, thank you for blessing me with a beautiful marriage.  It is beautiful because you created it.  Forgive me for any disrespect that I have shown towards my husband, and help me to respect him and be to him as the church is to you.  Amen

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